Monday, August 29, 2005

Music to her ears

I'm putting 'The Temple Girls' on hold now, because I feel there's a need to do some research on the temple girls' background before writing further about their lives. And, in order to kill the time during my working hours (well, I am not abusing it - I've completed my SB and I'm waiting for the supervisor to go through it when he's back from the subcon in Subang), I wrote (and am still writing to improvise it) 'Music to her ears'. It has a similar pattern to 'The boy who cried MOO!'

I'm planning to send it Raman for the next SFNW - hopefully, he and the editors would see it as a new approach of storytelling, and include it in the anthology.

The sound reminded her of her late father, a balding man in his early 70’s in his checked sarong and worn-out singlet walking in the garden, watering the plants and talking to his blossoming bougainvillea – part of his daily chores when he was very much alive and bouncy.
When she was a kid, her father told her that all humans produce this sound so there’s nothing to be embarrassed of; it does not and will never make any of us less human. She held strongly to that principle and grew up believing that the ability to fart is a blessing from God.

But then again, he might find it a lil bit gross, and decides that it is not suitable to be published. When that happens, I'll post it on this blog ;)


InaOK said...

Hem....another interesting one to look forward to ...yes !!!
U asked for my email so here it is :
and thanks for visiting my blog.... more thing , I like the song Demi Cinta Suci & Yusuf Islam's

lieawulf said...

i still dunno how to indent the paragraph. whats the code, anyone?