Friday, November 30, 2012

For you

When you're scared to sleep at night
fearing that loneliness will eat up your heart
I'll be there for you and I'll stay
for as long as you want me to

When you wake up in the morning
feeling uncertain and discontented
I'll be there for you and
I shall hold your hand and smile
as bright as the sun and
hope its warmth will flow
through your veins creating
a sense of security and happiness

Whenever you feel exhausted, stressed out
and can't cope with the pressure
Rest assured for I am near
and I shall shoulder the burden with you
wipe those tears and never give up on you
and will catch you if you fall
and help you to your feet
with much love and tender care

For as long as I live
I'll be here and near
for you
and when I'm long gone
I hope this will remind you
of the undying love I have
only for you.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ketuk pintu

Hari lalu, jalan-jalan dan terjumpa ini.
Detik hati mungkin berhenti sebentar di sini.
Janji dengan diri barangkali setahun cuma.
Hirup udara segar di luar ruang kebiasaan.

 Hampir dua tahun berlalu.
Benar yang aku jumpa ini yang aku jatuh cinta.
Tapi yang fana itu manisnya mudah hilang.
Kini bahang terasa cuba melecur tapak yang sudah kematu.

Hari ini, jalan-jalan lagi.
Doa dan harap ketemu yang lebih.
Faham tiada yang kekal walau hati meronta.
Ku pinta cekal sentiasa bersama.

Aku puji namaMu Ya Rabb.
Atas nikmat yang tak pernah putus.
Dengan rezeki yang sentiasa cukup.
Alhamdulillah... aku masih hidup.